1. Print business cards which contain a web link or two. Leave those cards in public places, such as bus stops, restaurants, malls, grocery stores, etc. (Scroll down or check the right sidebar for "Sample Business Card.")
2. Contact your public library system. Donate books which tell the unvarnished truth about Islam. Donations are tax deductible!
3. Contact your alma mater to see if you can place books in the institution's library. If you are a member of an alumni association, you might already have an "in" to place materials.
4. Contact private schools in your area to see about the feasability of placing materials.
5. Review the social studies textbooks used in your school district. If you find errors about Islam in those books, contact the curriculum specialist in your school district, and, using reference materials which tell the truth, specify the errors.
6. Check with your school district to see if textbook changes are in the works. If so, as a resident of that district, you have the right to review the textbooks. Contact the curriculum specialist if you find the books are whitewashing Islam.
7. If you are affiliated with a church, be on the alert for whitewash of Islam. Speak up if your spiritual leader is uneducated as to the truth about Islam.
8. Contact your political representatives and disabuse them of the politically-correct whitewash of Islam. Keep contacting your political representatives.
Above all, don't keep quiet about what you've learned!
Note: Scroll down or check the right sidebar for a list of books. (coming soon)